Importance of Server Side Tracking

server side

Server-side tracking is a method of collecting and tracking data that relies on a server rather than a client’s browser. It involves self-installation and management, but the fundamental principle remains the same as with client-side tagging, with an additional step involved. In server-side tracking, a cloud tagging server receives event data from your website and distributes it to analytics systems. Server-side (SS) tagging offers several benefits, including faster website loading, addressing data loss caused by Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) and iOS limitations, and reducing the impact of AdBlockers. These advantages are possible due to two factors: the utilization of a custom subdomain for server-side tracking, which establishes first-party cookies and server-side data streams that cannot be disabled or detected, and the replacement of heavy JavaScript placed on your site. However, there are two drawbacks associated with server-side (SS) tagging: cost and complexity. Cloud servers responsible for processing requested data are essential components of server-side tagging, and separate server expenses are incurred. Additionally, while server-side Google Tag Manager (sGTM) may seem similar to the web version, the configuration logic for server-side tagging differs, potentially leading to misunderstandings and issues during the creation of server-side tags. Fortunately, Stape comes to the rescue! Stape provides hosting for server-based Google Tag Manager, offering not only the most affordable and straightforward setup but also a range of hosting features and solutions for server-side tagging. This makes the tagging experience more convenient and user-friendly.

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