"The ultimate guide for Google Ads for small business"

we work hard to meet your needs



Content plan:

      1.   Choose the right keyword

2.    budget report

3.    Run Google local services ads

4.    Don’t neglect impressions

5.    Use Geo targeting

6.    Run a SWOT analysis

7.    How small businesses can drive leads with Google Ads

8.    Drive traffic to your website

9.    Always use ads with strong CTAs

10.  Use ads extension

11. Perform regular audits

12. Know your bidding strategy options

13. Focus on lead generation first

14. Spend money to make money

15. How small businesses can achieve sustainable growth with Google Ads

16.Invest in a CRM

17. Keep track of the data





What is Google Ads?

Google Ads (formerly called Ad Words) is Google’s pay-per-click platform. The platform lets you place brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, or videos to promote your business, help sell products, and increase website traffic. Pay-per-click (PPC) means you pay only if people click on your ads. The ads are at the top of Google search results but can also be on non-search websites, mobile apps, and videos.
You’ll need a healthy budget and a willingness to pay hefty amounts for the most competitive keywords. But if you choose your keywords carefully, you can compete with the big spenders.

Compared to expensive print advertising, Google Ads can be a cost-effective way to create engaging and compelling ads that target specific audiences.

Google Ads helps you to:

    • Reach new audiences

    • Boost website traffic

    • Increase leads

    • Convert website visitors to customers

Over the past fifteen years, our team has frequently experimented with Google Ads, sometimes using vendors and, at other times, managing our PPC campaigns directly. We’ve also helped thousands of entrepreneurs and small businesses build visual ads for advertising on Google.

How google ads work

Let’s break down the magic behind Google Ads in a casual chat!

1 -Auction System: Imagine Google as the ultimate matchmaker between businesses and people searching for stuff.

When someone searches on Google, it triggers an auction for ad space.

2- Choosing Keywords: Businesses like yours pick keywords relevant to their products or services.

If your chosen keywords match what someone’s searching for, your ad might get a chance to shine.

3- Bidding: It’s like a friendly bidding war. Businesses bid on how much they’re willing to pay for a click on their ad.

The higher the bid, the better the chance your ad gets picked for the search result page.

4- Quality Score: Google also looks at how relevant and useful your ad is. That’s where the Quality Score comes in.

High-quality ads with relevant content can sometimes beat higher bids.

5- Ad Rank: Bids and Quality Score dance together to determine your Ad Rank.

The higher your Ad Rank, the higher your ad appears on the search results page.

6- Ad Display: When someone searches using your keywords, Google decides which ads get shown.

If your add wins the auction, it’s displayed to the searcher.

7- Cost-Per-Click (CPC): You pay when someone clicks on your ad, hence the term “Pay-Per-Click” (PPC).

Budget-friendly, right? You’re only paying when someone shows real interest.

8- Ad Customization: Businesses can tailor their ads based on location, time, and even the device someone’s using.

Perfect for reaching your audience in Dhaka or wherever they are!

So, in a nutshell, it’s like a digital marketplace where businesses bid to have their ads pop up when people are searching for something relevant. Ready to conquer the world of Google Ads or have more questions? Shoot away!

1. Choose the right keyword:

Choosing the right keywords is like finding the perfect ingredients for your favorite dish. Let’s whip up a solid Google Ads strategy for you!

Understand Your Audience:

Think about what your potential customers might type into Google.

Consider their needs, questions, and the language they use.

Brainstorm Relevant Terms: Jot down keywords related to your business, products, or services.

Include variations and synonyms.

Long-Tail KeywordsDon’t shy away from longer, more specific phrases.

They might have lower search volumes but can attract more targeted clicks.

Use Google’s Keyword Planner: It’s like your secret recipe book for keywords.

Helps you find relevant keywords and estimate their search volumes.

Location-Specific Keywords: Since you’re in Dhaka, consider adding location-specific keywords to attract local customers.

Negative Keywords: Don’t forget the ‘not-so-relevant’ keywords.

Use negative keywords to exclude searches that don’t match your offerings.

Review and Refine: Periodically check the performance of your keywords.

Adjust based on what’s working and what needs a tweak.

2. Budgeting report:

You may maintain focus on your overall small business goals by knowing how to pace your Google AdWords spending.

Try the new budget report in the Google AdWords interface to better manage your spending.

The budget report, which can be accessed through the shared library, ad groups page, or campaign view, provides monthly estimates for the total spend in addition to the amount that has been spent thus far on a particular campaign. It even forecasts the possible effects on your performance of altering the daily budget for your campaign. for 

3. Run google local service ads:

A lot of tiny companies provide services. Fortunately, for many service businesses, Google has a specialist ad type that can enhance the matching experience for both searchers and advertisers.

Because you can manage Local Services Ads directly from your Google Business Profile and you only pay for qualified leads, using them is rather simple. These advertisements are a wonderful way to increase your exposure to relevant local markets because they are specifically designed to reach people within your service region. Additionally, Google verifies the location and service that users are seeking before connecting them with you. How to set up local service Ads?


4. Remember the importance of impressions:

Owners of small businesses are eager to concentrate on their bottom line. Quite understandably. Though there are numerous PPC indicators available to help you assess how well you’re using your advertising budget, one metric is regrettably ignored.

Your impression share in the local market is important if you want to be known locally. Utilize resources such as Google Trends to determine the most common searches in your neighborhood, then use Google AdWords to target keywords related to those searches. If all you’re getting is impressions, that’s still success for a tiny business, so don’t give up!

5. Use geotargeting:

A major theme in Local ppc is, of course, geo targeting. While tailoring your keywords and ad copy to your local market is important, Geo Targeting

When you implement geo targeting, you’re being selective of where, geographically, your ads will show. Limiting your ads to audiences within a certain location will help you maximize your budget as well as your impression share within that area.

6. Run with SWOT analysis:

Although a local strategy will help you compete with larger companies, you will still face competition from other local small businesses. To find unmet needs to address with your ad text, conduct a SWOT analysis to determine your strengths and weaknesses relative to your competition.


How small businesses can drive leads with Google Ads

For any business, no matter how big or little, attracting clients is what makes the difference, even with local recognition. However, generating leads and conversions with Google Ads can frequently be the most difficult task for small businesses.

It can be discouraging to hear virtual crickets after investing so much time and energy on your account structure, but don’t allow that stop you from realizing the full potential of your account!


7. Drive traffic to our website:

Even if your advertisements are the best in the world, they won’t convert if they never drive traffic to your website. If you want leads, you need to increase traffic to your website. Therefore, start by concentrating your Google Ads efforts on increasing traffic.

Top-of-funnel advertisements, for instance, can assist pique viewers’ curiosity and encourage them to click through to your website. After that, you may check to see if your website has lead magnets installed to draw users in and gather their contact details. Once your traffic keeps increasing and leads start coming in, you can start collecting information and adjusting your approach.

Let’s get that Google Ads traffic flowing to your website! Here’s a straightforward guide: 

    • Set Clear Goals:  Define what you want to achieve with the traffic. Is it sales, leads, or just more visibility?

    • Keyword Magic: Choose relevant keywords that potential visitors might use. Be specific.

    • Compelling Ad Copy: Craft ads that grab attention and clearly convey what you offer. A strong call-to-action is key.

    • Landing Page Optimization: Make sure your landing page is aligned with your ad. It should be user-friendly and encourage actions.

    • Location Targeting: Specify where you want your ads to show. If your audience is in Dhaka, focus on that location.

    • Ad Extensions: Use extensions to add more information to your ads. They can boost click-through rates.

    • Budget Management: Start with a budget you’re comfortable with. Adjust as you see results.

    • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly check how your ads are performing. Tweak based on what’s working and what’s not.

    • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your website and ads are mobile-friendly. Many users browse on their phones.

    • Experiment with Ad Formats: Try different ad formats – text ads, display ads, or even video ads.

    • Remarketing Magic: Target users who visited your site but didn’t convert. Remind them you’re still there.

    • Utilize Google Analytics: Dive into the data. Understand where your traffic is coming from and what they do on your site.

    • Stay Updated: Google Ads evolves. Stay in the loop with updates and new features.

8. Always use ads with strong CTAs:
 Although it may seem obvious, a call to action can really make or break an advertisement’s potential to generate leads. Use the ad copy to pre-qualify your audience. Users will be better able to decide if they truly want to click and convert when your advertising are explicit about the action they need take.

The last thing you want is to pay for a confused user to click on your landing page and then leave instead of converting. Therefore, always make sure to double-check that the wording you select to make your call to action is compelling and unambiguous.


9. Perform regular audits

If you’re not consistently checking in on your account, you could have budget bleeds you’re not even aware of. This could mean checking in on things like keyword costs, ad strength, add schedule and more.

10. Biding strategy:

The difference between your return on ad spend (ROAS) and your bid can be substantial. Actually, automated bidding offers the ability to optimize for a specific cost per acquisition, or ROAS.

I would start by looking at your bidding technique if you feel that you aren’t receiving the return that you should be. It’s possible that you are bidding significantly less or much more aggressively than is necessary, which alters both your SERP ranking and your chances of attracting high-quality clicks and conversions.

See our comprehensive analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of each automated bidding strategy in Google or go to the automated bidding strategy tutorial in our selection of Google AdWords training courses if you need assistance selecting a bidding strategy. For more info about biding strategy CLICK HERE

11. Spend money to make money:

Your advertisements won’t generate enough activity for you (or Google) to evaluate and guide your optimizations if you’re not bidding or spending enough to compete. Put another way, if you want to profit from Google Ads, you need to spend enough money. Otherwise, the little money you do have is being wasted.

Also, don’t reduce your budget if your ROAS or CPA are high at initially! Because far worse outcomes could result from this. Even though the margins might be little at first, you can increase your return on investment by repeating our advice.

If a campaign has a good chance of converting, don’t be afraid to invest a sizable amount of money on it.

    • How small businesses can achieve sustainable growth with Google Ads

As a small business owner, you know using every tool to grow your business is essential. You know you need to reach your customers, but you might need help understanding how different marketing channels like Google Ads can help your business.

Your marketing strategy will vary based on your industry, the products and services you sell, and your business goals. Because of this, it’s important to note that Google Ads is not ideal for all businesses. This means important to know if your products or services are a good fit for Google Ads before you invest in this strategy.

With its targeted approach, flexibility, and cost-effective pay-per-click model, Google Ads offers small business owners the tools they need to thrive in the digital marketplace.

12.Keep track of the data:

Your history data will grow along with your Google Ads account. PPC analytics that can help you determine what to do next, so make sure you are aware with the metrics that are most important to your company.

Both on the internet and within Google’s infrastructure, there are many free PPC reporting solutions. Discover what suits you and your company best; there isn’t a “one size fits all” answer.

As soon as you feel confident in your ability to report and analyze data, make sure you establish a regular reporting check-in schedule so you can hold yourself accountable. This will enable you to monitor your progress toward your objectives on a regular basis.

Free resources are available

Free for both personal & commercial use. Have Fun

Google ads features


Google Ads guidelines encompass adherence to policies, ensuring compliance with advertising standards. Key aspects include crafting relevant ad copy with compelling headlines and clear calls-to-action, selecting appropriate keywords, optimizing landing pages, and utilizing ad extensions. Adhering to best practices in targeting, bidding, and monitoring performance metrics is crucial. Continuous optimization and adherence to evolving guidelines maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of Google Ads campaigns, ultimately driving better results for advertisers.


Google Ads steps involve setting goals, conducting keyword research, creating campaigns with targeted ad groups, crafting compelling ad copy, setting bids and budgets, selecting audience targeting options, implementing ad extensions, monitoring performance metrics, and optimizing campaigns based on data insights. Adherence to Google Ads policies ensures compliance and campaign success, resulting in effective and efficient advertising campaigns for businesses of all sizes. some common steps are, Keyword Research, Create Campaigns, Write Ad Copy, Set Bids and Budgets, Choose Targeting, Create Ad Extensions, Monitor Performance, Optimize Continuously.

Key features

Google Ads offers several key features that make it a powerful advertising platform. Firstly, its keyword targeting allows advertisers to reach users actively searching for products or services related to their businessFurthermore, Google Ads provides precise targeting options based on factors such as demographics, location, interests, and behaviors, enabling advertisers to tailor their campaigns to specific audience segments. Additionally, the platform offers sophisticated tracking and measurement tools to analyze campaign performance and optimize for better results. Overall, Google Ads offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to help advertisers reach their marketing goals efficiently and effectively.