GA4 configuration Tag vs “Google Tag”- Google Tag Manager


Google Announced regarding Google Analytics GA4 configuration Tag ( GTM), Now, it will be replaced with “Google Tag”. As per Google’s announcement, the changes will start into effect in early September.



The following changes will be there:

  1. Google tag will use Tag ID instead of Measurement ID.
  2. Send a page view event when this configuration loads will be moved to the Configuration settings variable.
  3. Send to server container will be moved to the Configuration settings variable.
  4. Fields to Set will be replaced with two new settings variables:
    • A configuration-level settings variable to set parameters when the Google tag loads.
    • An event-level settings variable to set additional parameters that are sent with a GA4 event.
  5. User Properties will be moved to a section in the Event settings variable as shown below.

To learn more follow the link:


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